Sunday, January 30, 2011

Run Away Bride, Or Run Away, Bride!

Runaway Bride? Or Run Away, Bride!

Tonight’s episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta will feature the maybe wedding of Cynthia Bailey, International Model, and Peter Thomas, Jamaican-American Atlanta Business Man.  The question is whether or not she will marry Mr. Thomas. Though this post is not about her per se, I thought she would be a good example of whether or not a woman who questions the viability of the relationship she is in is a Runaway Bride, or should she Run Away, Bride.
Entering into a new relationship or a new chapter in a woman’s life is very scary.  Though it is our desire not to be alone,  most of us travel the would be relationship road with great trepidation. Our trepidation could be due to being hurt in the past, not wanting to change our lifestyle from single to not single, or just pure fear over what the future holds.  We try to find reasons to push a good man away. He messes up one thing and we’re ready to end the relationship. He wants to have poker night with his friends and we instantly let our friends, who may or may not have much relationship experience, or have our best intentions at heart, tell us that this man must be on the DL if he wants to spend all this time with his friends. How stupid does that sound? But I’ve heard it. Things like If he wants a poker night he can have it with you, why would he go drink with his buddies after work, why won’t he just meet up with you and drink? Not realizing that he needs to keep his friendship with men so he can appreciate the time he spends with you. Conversly, not realizing, that just as he spends time with his friends, as a woman you should continue to spend time with yours. In doing so, it will make the time you spend together more special and wonderful. We need to realize when we are pushing an opportunity away due to commitment fears or issues. This woman is a Runaway Bride. We could of and should have been married by now, but we’ve pushed so many men away that we’ve missed out on opportunities.

There are some women who are in relationships that they absolutely need to run away from. We stay in relationships (before marriage) for different reasons. Sometimes we’ve had kids with the man so you figure why leave? Other times our family and our friends like him and are pushing us towards him so we stay, there’s fears about being single and finding another person to love us and accept us, so we stay where we are. It can even be that the woman is a church going God Fearing woman, and members of her church family ( Pastor included) is pushing her to marry the man she’s been with to stop living in sin.  Even if there are misgivings about the relationship, individuals on the outside of your relationship can push you into something when they think it’s for your own good. As I stated before, in the Misters Part II, if there is a voice in your head telling you that something is shady about him perhaps you need to think things over a little bit. It’s okay if you are with someone and you are not ready to get married yet, or if you are not ready to jump with both feet in, there might be a reason. Remember, a woman’s intuition can be very keen. YOU are the only person who has to lie next to this man at night. Don’t let someone tell you to marry to stay out of hell in your afterlife and you end up marrying into hell in your life on earth. Know that you must always ask God for clarity, and if he starts to show you things, it’s okay to take a step back, reason things over, and Run Away, Bride.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly believe we overlook signs that are evident to others because we REALLY want to make our relationship work. Cynthia's family, friends and even castmates had legitimate concerns regarding the upcoming nuptials. Even she had concerns, which I'm sure she may attribute it to wedding day jitters. I believe most women in her situation truly love their "Peter" but will it come at a cost?

    If you need to run away, then RUN GIRL RUN!!! There's dignity and self-preservation in getting out of a bad situation.

    PS - Check your know it's already bad. So RUN!
